Las Vegas Scholars Community
LV Scholars - Fall 2019 Cohort

Ever since Datino Dixon first stepped foot into his grandpa’s computer shop, he’s been fascinated by computers. Datino went to CSN High School (east campus) and is an entering freshman studying Computer Engineering at UNLV. He loves going to the gym, building computers, and hanging out with friends. He is proud to be a part of this program and hopes to really make a change in the world – like how this program has changed his.

Daniel Montoya is an entering freshman studying Computer Engineering at the UNLV. In high school, he was a member of the Student Organization of Latinos (SOL), where he participated in events to help the community, such as food drives, toy drives, and other volunteering
activities. Having done this for over two years, he was able to proudly wear the SOL stole during graduation. Daniel travelled most of Europe during the summer after graduating from high school, and he is now excited to begin his studies at UNLV to become a computer engineer.

Kevyn Solano graduated from Chaparral High School in 2019. He is majoring in Computer Engineering at UNLV. He chose this major because he has always loved computers and wants to deepen his understanding of how they work so that he can expand the ways that he can apply them to solve problems. He believes that computing has a sea of possibilities that have not yet been exploited. He is excited about embarking on his university career and he looks forward to graduating, after which he hopes to work for a large company such as Google or Microsoft.

UNLV Faculty

Dr. Sarah Harris is an Associate Professor at UNLV in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department and she leads the Las Vegas Scholars Program. She earned her M.S. and Ph.D. at Stanford University and has worked at Hewlett Packard, Nvidia, and the Technical University of Darmstadt. Before joining the UNLV faculty in 2014, she was a faculty member at Harvey Mudd College for ten years. Her research interests include embedded systems, biomedical engineering, and robotics.

Dr. Christine Clark is a Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, Senior Scholar for Multicultural Education, and Founding Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion at UNLV. She coordinates masters and doctoral level specialization programs in multicultural education and co-leads (with Dr. Marrun) the Las Vegas Scholars Program's educational research.

Dr. Norma A. Marrun is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching & Learning, and she co-leads (with Dr. Clark) the Las Vegas Scholars Program's educational research. Her research interests include Latina/o education, diversity and equity in the K-16 educational pipeline, immigration policies, and culturally responsive pedagogy, with an emphasis on college access and completion. Central to her research is privileging students' lived experiences, family, and community knowledge.

Dr. Ed Jorgensen is a Professor in Residence of Computer Science (CS) at UNLV and he co-leads the Las Vegas Scholars Program. He is also the CS Department's Undergraduate Coordinator. He has taught at UNLV since 2012 and his research interests include cybersecurity, database tracking, and flipped classrooms.